đŸȘŽ 25 Lessons from 25 years

reflection on my last 25 years, and what to perfect in the next 25..

I recently turned 25, and with my birthday falling at the end of December, it always feels like a reflection time. This year, I took it a step further. I spent two days in a remote cabin with a close friend. No distractions, just space to zoom out, reflect, and plan for what’s next.

Out of that retreat came 25 lessons I learned. Some are hard-won truths, others I ran into only in theory. My hope is that you’ll find at least a few that resonate with your own journey.

Here’s what I’ve learned in my first 25 years on Earth đŸ‘‡đŸ»

1. Discipline is the strongest form of self love

It’s ignoring something you want right now, for something better later on. Discipline reveals the commitment you have to your dreams, especially on the days you don’t want to. The future you is depending on you to keep the promises you made to yourself yesterday.

2. You are only 6 months of focus away

You lack focus, not talent. 6 months of intentional effort outpace a lifetime of half-hearted attempts.

3. Courage is a muscle

Like any muscle, courage strengthens with use. The more risks you take, the easier they become to face in the future.

4. Energy is your most valuable currency

Guard your energy like you guard your money. Spend it on what matters the most.

5. Choose your hards

Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard.
Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard.
Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard.
Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard.

Choose your hard.

6. Every single action causes a reaction

Your inputs determine your outputs. What you consume (books, podcasts, conversations) shape what you produce.

7. Time ≠ results

Time put in doesn’t necessarily mean results. It’s more about how efficient and present you are when you clock in. You can outperform mediocre competition in a couple hours of being really focused.

8. No one is coming to save you

It’s all on you. No one will come and fix your problems. No one will try to change your mind on your beliefs. No one will hand you what you want in life. It’s just you. It’s all on you. The moment you fully grasp this concept is the moment you start creating your own luck.

9. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with

The people we spend time with influence us more than we realise. Look at your closest friends and family. Do they uplift and inspire you, or do they bring you down? If you surround yourself with people who believe you are capable of more, you will prove them right.

10. Action kills fear

Overthinking magnifies fear.
Action diminishes it.

What’s that one thing you’ve been putting off, because of being too scared what might happen? Just try it. When you start, you realise the demons in the closet were never real.

11. Happiness lies in the journey

We all think we become happy once we reach our goals, whether that’s financial or spiritual.
“I will be happy when I become a millionaire”
“I’ll have plenty of time to celebrate once my business takes off”
“I’ll be truly happy once I settle down”

What we don’t realise is that the true happiness lies in the journey along the way but we often find out way too late.

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Raising soon? I’ll send you over Passionfroot’s pitch deck that raised over $3M, just refer one friend via your personal referral link: https://www.thefoundersfuel.com/subscribe?ref=PLACEHOLDER

Additionally, I’ll send you notes from the YC’s startup school happening in London on Saturday.

12. Control what you can, release what you can’t

Life is unpredictable. Focus your energy on what’s within your control and try to (even though it might be hard) let go of what isn’t. Worry is a wasted energy.

13. Focus on what you can give..

.. not just on what you can get. When you focus on what you can bring to the table, your opportunities skyrocket. Everyone likes to work with someone who is self-less and caring. Build your relationships by adding value first, you might be surprised what comes back.

14. Done is better than perfect

Waiting for perfection means never starting. Launch before you’re ready, and improve as you go. If you can’t fail, you have nothing to learn from.

15. You can’t pour from an empty cup

Take care of yourself first. This includes mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Never compromise on your health, or it will compromise on you. The better you are, the more you can give to others.

16. Money is a tool, not a goal

“Money is a problem only if you don’t have it.” It was creating to be used, not worshipped. Instead of focusing your energy on money, focus on what it’s there for and what it can give you — freedom, impact, and opportunities.

17. Life isn’t fair — get over it

Fairness is an illusion. The scales are often tipped by luck, timing, and circumstances beyond your control. But focusing on fairness won’t change your outcomes, only actions will.

18. Be kind to strangers

Kindness costs nothing but leaves a lasting impression. You never know what battles is the person fighting, and even the smallest act of kindness can change the world for them.

Treat others with respect, not because they deserve it, but because you do.

19. Treat life like it’s a video-game

In video-games we focus on our characters, appearance and level ups. Obstacles we face in real life are just quests to build our skills. Take risks, earn rewards and keep experimenting until you master the game (of life).

I can promise you if you treated yourself like you did your character in the last MMORPG you played, you’d be miles ahead.

20. Listen first, talk last

The smartest person in the room is often the one who listens the most. Not only it shows respect, builds trust, but also helps you learn what really matters. Most notable, speak only if you have something valuable to add. Don’t talk just to fill space. Don’t be that guy. PLEASE.

21. Mind the small details

Excellence is built on the foundation of small, often unseen, efforts. Painting the back of the fence may seem unnecessary, but it reflects integrity and pride in your work. These are the little things that separate good from great.

22. The word “yet”

One word can change the mindset. “I can’t do this” becomes “I can’t do this, yet.”. This small shift in thinking reminds us that ability and skills are built over time with effort and that anything is achievable.

It’s similar to shifting “have to” into “get to”, e.g. I have to go for a run today → I get to go for a run today. 

23. You will be dead later

Time is the only uncheatable resource we have at our disposal. Clock is always ticking. Life is filled with “laters” that often become “nevers”. Never compromise on the things that truly matter to you.

24. It’s the humans’ greatest shame not to fully see our potential

Most people die with their potential still locked inside them. Fear, doubt, and comfort zones keep us from becoming who we’re meant to be. Be like children - don’t compromise on your dreams.

25. Define your own success

Society’s version of success often leads to burnout and dissatisfaction. Do you really care about fast cars and money? If you truly do — good for you, go get those things. If you don’t, define your own goals. Don’t the social media era define your goals for you. Once you know what matters, you can ignore distractions and focus on your own path.

đŸ“© Get a free pitch deck

Raising soon? I’ll send you over Passionfroot’s pitch deck that raised over $3M, just refer one friend via your personal referral link: https://www.thefoundersfuel.com/subscribe?ref=PLACEHOLDER

Additionally, I’ll send you notes from the YC’s startup school happening in London on Saturday.

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I co-own a software house with 155+ developers. Need something built? Reply here or message me on LinkedIn for a discount.


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